Anti-Bribery & Corruption

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This programme is designed to give participants a solid understanding in bribery and corruption detection and prevention in Malaysia in accordance to the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2009 & 2018 (Amendments) and other relevant Laws in Malaysia and its application within the organization and the related industries & trade.
Learning Objectives

1. Understand background, structure and intent of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Act 2009, particularly S.17A.
2. Interpret the requirements for ‘adequate procedures’ as per MACC Act 2009 based on the principles of T.R.U.S.T
3. Understand and learn methods of conducting due diligence within the parameters of legal provisions
4. Ability to identify existing / potential ethical conduct within the organization or emanating from 3rd party engagement, which may have an impact on Business Continuity activities
5. Legal Impact(s) due to ineffective management of unethical business conduct.
6. Define malpractices & Spotting The Red Flags during the course of hiring, sourcing and contract management and also Account Payables
7. Describe the Plan-Do-Check-Act management system and how it relates Adequate Procedures
8. Understand about Pre-Employment Screening & Whistle-Blowing
9. Understand Malpractices Detection & Profile Auditing
Obtaining, collation and preservation of Digital Evidence

Content Delivery Method

Physical, Virtual

HRD Corp Certified Course


Duration and Language

2 Days; available in English

Target Audience

Anyone involved in managing corporate governance and integrity practices of the organisation

Key Skillset Addressed

Fundamentals on MACC Act 2009 - Strategic Values, Corporate Liability Defence, Due Diligence Overview